Reference Abbreviations by Artist (Index to Catalogues Raisonn�s)


This section is arranged alphabetically by the artist's last name. Type in the artist's name and when the program takes you to it, click on the name. In the window, the first column is the letter designation of the catalogue raisonne number. The second column is last name of the author of that particular catalogue raisonne, and the third column lists a �G� if that work is general in nature (found in the General Reference Works section). You then can go to the bibliographical sections to get the complete citation for that artist's catalogue(s).


The abbreviations used to indicate a reference source are listed here. This brief reference to the author of the catalogue raisonn� is the guide to the bibliographies which follow. A capital �G� following the source designates a catalogue that is general in nature and can be found in the section �General Reference Works� following the �Catalogues Raisonn�s and Monographs" section.

In this section Reference Abbreviations, artists' names are listed alphabetically and the author(s) of the major catalogues raisonn�s, monographs, or articles on the particular artist is (are) listed directly below. This provides a convenient reference to the section entitled �Catalogues Raisonn�s and Monographs.� As an example, looking here for the standard work on John Taylor Arms one finds �
Fletcher�; then looking under the catalogue raisonn� bibliography for Fletcher one finds John Taylor Arms: A Man for all Time. If the standard catalogue raisonn� on a particular artist is part of a series on, or study of, a number of artists (e.g. Bartsch, Hollstein, and so forth) that reference would be found in the general reference section entitled �General Reference Works�. We have chosen to list as many references here as possible although because of space limitation the work referred to may not be listed in our catalogues raisonn�s bibliography.