The Menu Bar gives you a variety of choices: File, Edit, Prints/Prices, Bibliography, Lexicon, Directory, Catalogue, Advertisers, Window, and Help. Single clicking on the chosen item, accesses that specific choice.
FILE. Clicking on File gives you the choice of Print, and under that, Clear Select List and Print Selected Items (detailed in the Special/Standard Features of the help file under Printing), Send Feedback (this feature has been moved to the Details window, Feedback is explained in the same section under Sending Feedback on Specific Entries), Options (where you can change the date format and monitor resolution for our program only see Special/Standard Features), and Exit, which enables you to exit the program entirely.
EDIT. This choice enables you to Copy Selected to Clipboard, explained in the Special/Standard Features of the help file.
Search By Artist/Title. This allows the user to search for prints by Artist and then Title. Please see the explanation in the Searching section of the help file.
Search By Artist/Catalogue #. This enables the user to search for prints by Artist and Catalogue number. Please see the explanation in the Searching section of the help file.
View All Entries. Choosing this option brings up every print in the database. This is fully explained in the Searching section of the help file.
Filter the Data (Boolean Search). Using parameters (high and low values) one can find prints that meet specific criteria. Again, please refer to the Searching section of the help file.
Reset Boolean Search. Enables you to empty your parameters from the Boolean window ("Clearing a Filter") without having to close out the window and bring it up again.
Sort Current Window. You can alter the sort order you wish the data displayed by using this function. Please see this topic under Special/Standard Features.
Free Text Search. Using the every word is indexed concept, one is able to look for key words to find certain prints. The Searching section of the help file details this function.
Artists. The user can make a list of artists frequently visited as well as view artist details by using these features, which include:
These features are explained in detail in the Artist Special/Standard Features section of the help file.
View Bookmarks. This feature enables you to bookmark your favorite prints for ease of use in returning quickly to this information. Please see this topic under Special/Standard Features.
BIBLIOGRAPHY. The three choices under this category (General References, Monographs and Catalogues, and Reference Abbreviations by Artist (index to catalogues)) are explained in the Bibliography section of the help file.
LEXICON. The six choices under this category (English-French, English-German, French-English, French-German, German-English, and German-French) are explained in the Lexicon section of the help file.
DIRECTORY. The complete functions of the Directory are detailed under the section entitled Directory in the help file.
CATALOGUE. Gordon's latest Catalogue is accessed here.
ADVERTISERS. Every ad in the current database book is listed here. Please access that section of the help file for more detail.
Create New Datastore Window (by Title and by Catalogue #). This creates a New artist window, detailed fully in the Special/Standard Features section of the help file.
Contents. Where you are now.
Gordon's On The Web. A convenient link to the Gordon's home page.
About. Information about the folks who helped bring you this application.